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Building Your Coaching, Consulting or Author Business Just Got Easier...

The coaching and consulting industry is booming. Which sadly has resulted in many overnight" experts" jumping into the space claiming to understand how to help coaches, consultants and authors get to where they want to be.

But here's the problem...

They don't understand coaches,  consultants or authors and instead get them using sleazy, slimy, embarrassing marketing tactics. The reason we are different is because we've been working 1:1 with coaches and consultants since 2008 and we know they change lives. With over a decade of in-the-trenches experience to share, you'll be able to grow your coaching or consulting business in a way you can be proud of.

  • Build Your Business
  • Enhance Your Skills and Knowledge
  • Learn, understand and apply digital marketing the right way 

Dear Friend, I've been working with  authors, coaches and consultants  since 2008. In that time here's a short list of things I've successfully helped my clients with...

  • I've helped coaches and consultants turn their knowledge into an online course so they can earn a passive income from what they know
  • I've helped coaches and consultants transform their skills and knowledge into books and ebooks so they are positioned as an authority in their respected niche
  • I've helped coaches and consultants turn their knowledge into membership sites so they can earn recurring income from what they know
  • I've helped them turn video and live events into online training and courses
  • I've setup funnels, websites and automated systems so they can focus on coaching and getting results for their clients

Why do I tell you this?

Because we've all seen the rise of the internet marketers serving coaches and consultants today.

They aren't serving coaches and consultants because they're passionate about them.

They're serving coaches and consultants because they're chasing the money.

And they're providing flawed advice that will turn your brand into a sleazy, hype ridden marketing machine that you'll be embarrassed of.

But experience and hard work brings wisdom and skills which makes me different... 

The coaches and consultants I've worked with come to me precisely because I stand against the sleaze, hype and cringe worthy marketing. They want to take what they know and scale it via automated marketing machines and products, so they can attract their ideal clients whilst gaining more freedom - all without the usual sleaze others would tell them to do.

That's why they come to me.

Because they know I've got a big heart AND the experience to get them the results they want. My core values include Joy, Integrity , Loyalty and Respect.

Co-authored with Emily Gowor

Co-authored with Johnny Wimbrey

Co-authored with Les Brown

Co-authored with Les Brown

Here's just a handful of comments from some of my past happy clients...

"I have had the good fortune to have been introduced to Jatinder last year by a mutual friend called Amrit Singh. Jatinder's unique approach to life & his faith, has enabled him to easily create an instant rapport with anyone that he meets. He takes any complex project & instantly creates a 'simple' action plan with an ease that I have seldom witnessed!!

I would have no hesitation in strongly advising anyone thinking of using him to create an ultimate online profile or business, to take action and get him signed up immediately.

He has been at hand with my personal projects, as though they were his own. This is a very highly valued mindset for me. Thank you for your vision Jatinder!"


Business Mentor, Entrepreneur, Trainer

"Jatinder has the rare gift of perfectly combining his two strongest points together and making the result work for himself and his clients. The two strong points he possess is firstly his hard working ,clear and serious business mind, and the second, his almost child like enthusiasm ,positivity and natural instinct.

When it comes to their work, most people are one or the other, and prefer to come across or work in a one dimensional format. Where as Jatinder combines his two strengths perfectly, making the experience when working with him not only inspiring and fun, but also insightful. He has non stop flow of ideas, that turn your original dream in to a reality you did not think possible."

Kezia Noble

Author/ World leading dating coach

"I did a full day strategy session with Jatinder this year and came away with so much clarity about how to articulate the multidimensional aspects of my work and offerings. It was a liberating and thoroughly inspirational exercise.

Jatinder creates a space in which you can locate and express your best. He’s relaxed yet really switched on, with a capacity to see into your blind spots. What’s more, he’s passionate about what he does.

It’s not just about money for him as he gives way more value than he asks for.

I highly recommend Jatinder’s services. Once you work with him in one area, it’s highly likely you’ll feel the pull to do more work with him.

Smita Joshi

Author of The Karma & Diamonds Trilogy

"Jatinder is a digital genius and pioneer of digital rapport in the UK.

Jatinder understands the depths of the digital arena inside out, and can help you develop a digital strategy for both your marketing (on- and off-line) and reputation management, which is far greater than average web-developer can deliver. Jatinder has catapulted me onto the top of Google, beating some stiff competition which has helped bring customers through the doors.

Jatinder is a sincere and honest person, and always acts in good faith with utmost professionalism and he has a genuine interest in doing good for everyone, and goes out of his way to deliver service beyond expectation. I know I'm in good hands when Jatinder's on the the case.

Peace & respect!"

Sifu Lak loi

Author of Master Your Life, 9 Steps to Self mastery

Now here's the thing...

Because I've successfully been working with coaches and consultants since 2008...

And because I hate seeing the rise of internet marketers dirtying these industries with their shiny objects, hype and gimmicks...

I've made it my mission to ensure that coaches, consultants or authors like you don't have to fall prey to these embarrassing marketing tactics...

And instead can tap into well over a decade's of knowledge that I can share with you on how to successfully get more clients, free up your time and grow your business...

....without ever having to sacrifice your values or be embarrassed about how you attract people to your business.

And I've even done this in a way where you don't have to pay the thousands it would usually cost to hire me to work with you one-on-one...

Let me explain...

So many subject matter experts are at different points on their journey.  I want to work with amazing coaches but it means that at a certain point, working 1:1 we just cant work with lots of individuals at the same time.

Rather than you having to buy lots of different courses from me (like the internet marketers make you do), or having to wait to work with me direct...

I've decided to package up everything I learned since 2008 about getting clients, growing your business and freeing up your time...

Into a fun, information packed dojo. 

Inside this dojo  I'm going to walk you step-by-step through the exact same process I take my high end clients through. My methodology is called the Digital SIMAC Method™  that helps you fill in the gaps in knowledge, hence an amazing resource for growing your business.

So let me break it down for you...

What Is The Authority Dojo™?

The authority dojo™ is your digital training ground (Education hub) to help you build a business in your respected niche. It's where you get to learn, transform and enhance your skills and knowledge into an authority business. We have all the training you need to make this happen.  

I've taken my experience of working with businesses of all sizes and put together an education library that will help you to create a successful coaching, consulting or author business without the need for trial and error. I've put together the best content that you can use and apply to your business.

Why Call It The Authority Dojo™?

In Japanese the word Dojo literally means “place of the way”. And in modern times... Dojo refers to a ‘Training Place/Ground’. So a place where the ‘way’ is practiced. A dojo is considered a special place by its users.

The Authority Dojo™ is basically your training ground, where you get access to a clear pathway to grow your coaching/consulting/author business.

The Authority dojo™ is the education hub which trains the inspired expert on the ‘way’ to Authority status in their respected niche. A comprehensive library of courses and training to help your grow your business. 

Here's How The Authority Dojo Is  Structured

You Can't Just Rely On A Website! You Need A Complete Strategy & Eco System that Goes With It Too

The Authority Dojo by Digital Rapport® provides a holistic approach with everything you need to be successful with your business on and offline. The Digital SIMAC Method™ is the bases of my approach. Here I share this with you.


Understanding that business is a mindset shift and that your mood and emotions can influence your success online. Understand that you do have to work on yourself before you can work on others. And when you do work for others it's about authentic commitment to your prospects success. Help them get the results and in turn you too will get the results 


Success starts with a strategy, a clear mind and clear roadmap – If you can't see the big picture, know your audience or products, you won’t attract the right people. Map it all out first before you jump in, this will save you time and money.


Using your strategy, it’s time to execute each phase of your action plan. Once you know what to build, what to use and how to go about doing it then setting up the right systems to support your business becomes a blessing as it allows you to automate and scale online


With your strategy mapped and your systems built out, you can now focus all your time and energy into marketing and driving traffic to get more leads. Stop the aimless posting from fb lives, insta stories or other social media activities and direct them into the appropriate automated lead capture systems which can get you ROI.


Track your progress, see what is working and what is not. Hack away the non-essentials and create what Bruce Lee calls economy of motion, ie the quickest most efficient route from point A to point B. If something is not working remove and improve.


A computer works on the simple process of input, process and output. The programmer then looks at the output and calibrates it in order to improve your process. So as a business owner being the programmer of your business, get back on track by calibrating and navigating in the best direction for your business.  

Connect, Influence & Inspire

Cut Through The Digital Noise Like A Ninja And Get Clarity On How To Turn Your Skills and Knowledge Into a Profitable Coaching, Consulting or Author Business Without All The Tech Overwhelm, Noise or Distractions.

What Problem Does The Dojo Solve?

A lot of coaches, consultants and authors don't actually know how to make or grow  a business with the skills and knowledge they have. And due to digital information noise they get overwhelmed and confused on what systems, process or methods to use, why and when, and scaling becomes next to impossible. 

Most service based experts lack the clarity and understanding in order to succeed on and offline as they don't have a clear pathway on how they solve their target audience problems but more so how to actually get the business growing.

They lack the skills and business knowledge in order to build a business and scale online. They don't understand how they can use digital marketing to grow their business.

Hence The Authority Dojo™ addresses these issues by providing a clear pathway, courses, training and skills needed in order to transform what you know and do into a profitable business both on and offline.

Who is it for?

The Authority Dojo™ is designed with Mission Driven Subject Matter Experts in mind so is suitable for :

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Thought leaders
  • Speakers
  • Authors
  • Mentors
  • Consultants
  • Coaches
  • Freelancers
  • Influencers
  • Facilitators
  • Trainers
  • Business Owners

How does it work?

You sign up to the Authority Dojo and access the Digital SIMAC Method™

Access courses on web psychology, emotional intelligence, personal development, human behaviour and digital business systems so you can connectinfluence, inspire in the digital age and grow your business online. 

Why do I need this?

So you can cut though the noise and understand business and digital marketing from a service based mindset. It's a one stop resources for all your training needs in how to run and grow your coaching, consulting or author business.

So you can sell more over time by building relationships through service based selling so you can connect and nurture relationships long term for healthy business and personal growth.

  • Understand digital marketing
  • Improve your positing
  • Learn new skills
  • How to guides
  • Training and resources
  • Comprehensive courses

Why choose the Authority Dojo™ over other Programs or Memberships / Resources?

Joining someones program can cost you thousands. And in most cases you are not getting access to exclusive content as its readily available and just rehashed but are being charged thousands for it coupled with clever marketing. Once in, you realise that there is so much more to do as it's just one aspect of a complete business.

Business on the other side has many parts which can not work in isolation. So in the dojo we have training and courses on the separate aspects of all components of a business. We have then made this available to you as an online Dojo. Which means no time limits, you access it in your own time and you get access to new content when added. Keep yourself accountable to make sure you keep moving along. 

We don't want you to make a big purchase only to have it gathering virtual dust.

We know that business is a continuous process of learning and implementing as there is no magic push over night riches button or one funnel to rule them all. It does not work that way. Theres much more to it. Eg the problem, the solution, the business structures/model, messaging, pricing, products, website, marketing etc etc all which have to work in a holistic way. This is what the dojo will help you understand and implement. So you can learn the missing skills needed to grow a business.  

Understand Your Business Not In Parts But Holistically 

And In Relation To The Complete Customer Life Cycle  

Most resources only share specific elements of the overall business. For example just social media, website or SEO, or Funnels in isolation. This causes confusion because people get overwhelmed with all the noise and new things they think they need to be doing or what they should to be doing.

Business is not just about one thing. It's composed of many parts which need to work together in a holistic way. In most cases, business's are missing the core principles that are needed in order to succeed online which include web psychology, emotional intelligence, personal development, human behaviour and digital strategy, Implementation and marketing.

The aim is to help you understand What To Do & When To Do It, In A Logical Frustration-Free Sequence. A clear and confusion free, step by step manner that makes navigating and understanding the digital world easy.

Here's some of the things you'll be able to do once you become a member of Authority Dojo™

Business Foundations/branding

Pick your niche so that you can find customers and clients who are easy to sell to

Info Product Creation 

Create info products so that you can earn a passive income from your knowledge

Signature Systems

Create a signature program so that you can build a business which gets your clients the results they deserve 

Websites & Funnels

Plan and create your website and sales funnels and set them up properly so that you can leverage your time

Systems and Flows

Map out your business flows so that you can then identify which systems to use for the different parts of your business

Sales &  Marketing

Identify the different marketing opportunities so that you can generate more leads and create more sales

Psychology & Mindset

Understand human behaviour so that you can connect, influence and inspire your clients into action


Discover how to scale online without tech overwhelm so that you have systems, follow up and integration in place.

Online and Offline Events

Set up and conduct live events or events online such as webinars so that you can impact more lives

Mindset/Personal Development

Adopt an entrepreneurial mind so that you can stay focused and build a business


Discover how to use online/offline networking events so that you can grow your network

PR and Media

Connect with the right people so that you can grow online  and expand your business reach.   


How Your Business Can Evolve Online

It doesn't matter if you are a brand new to business or fully established, we have you covered! Overview to specific. As a business owner you should understand how it all fits together using both on and offline activities to grow your business. 

Cut Through The Noise Like A Ninja, Get Clarity and Laser Focused On What You Need To Be Doing Without Tech Overwhelm And Get The Results You Deserve Online With Less Stress and Proven Knowledge to Run Your Business Efficiently So You Can Scale Online.

In the dojo you get everything You Need To StrategiseImplement And Market Your Expert Business And Unlock It's Potential Both On and Offline and Transform Your Skills and Knowledge Into An Authority Business

Instant Online Access

Access the platform right away and take back control of your digital marketing

In-depth Courses

Study in your own time and use the materials provided for your own business 


Practical ways to grow your mind, grow your success and achieve more

Join Today

You're just seconds away from the essential training, advice and support you need to increase your skills and business knowledge to support and build your dream of making impact on the lives of those you choose to serve.

Here is a list of some of the content you get access too inside the dojo...

  • Digital SIMAC Method™ (Value $1650)
  • Sell more with digital rapport (Value $200)
  • Create your group coaching program (Value $297)
  • Content Marketing Plan (Value $197)
  • Branding 101 (Value $147)
  • How To Create an Online Course (Value $197)
  • How to Launch & Marketing Your Online Course (Value $297)
  • Digital Kung Fu (Value $197)
  • How To Create and Profit From Your Own Mastermind Groups (Value $297)
  • Expert Revolution (Value $47)
  • The Psychology of Marketing (Value £197)
  • How To Showcase Your Credibility, Skills and Knowledge Online (Value $47)
  • How to Get Publicity / Media (Value $247)
  • Access too all new courses
  • + Much More

Now That's Over $3917 of value just from that list alone and more courses are added so that values just increases. The good news is that If you join the Dojo you can get access to all this for only $1997.

Why bundle it like this? Because it gives you a chance to learn and implement proven strategies, add to your business mindset and skillset at a cost effective price and allows me to serve more by leverage the internet.

John D. Rockefeller said "I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own efforts."  This is the same principle you can use to leverage the internet to serve a global audience should you choose to do so and keep costs low all around, earn but still add value to you and others.  

  • Digital Rapport® Course Library 
  • Access to any New Courses 
  • Digital SIMAC Method - 12 step, Strategy, Implementations and Marketing Methodology to help you grow your business and fill in the missing gaps
  • Worksheets
  • Checklists
  • Sell More With Digital Rapport® - the holistic way to connect, influence and inspire to create better relationships and increase the life time value of your customers
  • Resources
  • All New Courses

Life Time All Access Pass

One-Time Payment of $2200


(or 3payments of $350 - click here)

90 Day do the work refund policy.

(The content within the dojo is for personal use only - you can not copy, resell or redistribute the materials)

90 DAY

Do The Work


You are fully protected by our

100% 90 Day Do The Work Money-Back Guarantee.

I want you to get results, learn and expand your mind. So for the purpose of fairness Our Company follows a ‘Do The Work’ Refund Policy. This means you must include ALL required, completed coursework with any request for a refund. If you requests a refund and it does not include all required coursework within ninety (90) days of enrolment, refund will not be accepted. All refunds are under the sole discretion of the Company.  As the nature of the content is digital format its unethical to buy the content, consume it then ask a refund. I'm all about honesty, fairness, and customer satisfaction. I have no problem issuing a full refund if you’ve actually tried your best and done the work, but the methodology was not fitting for your business and/or business goals.

Like anything in life you have to take action. Make a commitment to yourself. There are no over night riches, magic click button fortunes. it all takes dedicated time and effort. The real secret to business success is all about 4 important things which are related to Mind Set. If you follow these you can not, not succeed.

1 - A Plan (Like the modules I have for you in the Dojo)
2 - Dedicated Focused Time (Set aside time and just implement what I share with you)
3 - Discipline (If you can allocate time then just stay focused and get it done)
4 - Consistency (apply what you learn, just show up and do the work)

Use these 4 keys to open the door to online success.

Without applying them, achieving success is next to impossible. Take action today for rewarding results. Then if you can show you have implemented and as a result don't take any value then get in touch and let me know why and I'll do what I can to guide and assist you. But if you commit to taking action then you reap what you sow... is that fair?

Learn In Your Own Time

Learn anytime, anywhere online inside the authority dojo training platform. When you chose one of the training programs you will get access to the members area which you can access in your own time to learn, consume and take action.

Authority Dojo™ Digital Learning Platform

Access online training from desktop or mobile, anywhere in the world, any time you like. Get access to the courses, workbooks, cheatsheets and guides in one place in the digital authority dojo.

Access to other resources includes: 

Interactive expert community 

Join the online community of like minded experts and entrepreneurs just like you. Connect with others, share and grow as you learn form each other and group insights. 

Expert Interviews

I chat to experts in business, personal development and spirituality and talk about connection, influence, rapport, human behaviour, psychology, business and much much more.  You can implement these great insights to build better relationships in your personal or business life.

Digital Rapport® Podcast

Never miss out on a new episode! Subscribe using your favorite app for listening to podcasts. Here I share business tips, conversations about the mind, expert interviews, digital marketing business growth and other topics related to business and mindset.

Brought to you by Digital Rapport® / Jatinder Palaha

Digital Rapport® by  Jatinder Palaha  - Helping Entrepreneurs, Speakers, Authors, Mentors, Coaches, Facilitators, Trainers, Subject Matter Experts, grow their business online.

Jatinder Palaha - Award winning IT Consultant, Digital Business Coach/Consultant/Author, Web Revenue Strategist

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